This is the e-Learning platform of the DonK Humanitarian Medicine ODV Association.
Through this platform, distance learning courses (in synchronous and asynchronous modes) are provided for those involved in social and health care for the most fragile people housed in Reception Centers and communities for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors. In particular, they are aimed at volunteer physicians and nurses, health and social workers, parasanitary personnel, and students of Computer Science and Medicine.
All courses offered here are free access.
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0-Mile Health Project

Salute a Km0 is a project of Donk Humanitarian Medicine ODV implemented thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia to offer free training courses to provide social and health workers with useful tools to support the most fragile people with special attention to the aspect of psychological support. The Donk Network e-Learning platform allows those interested a broader enjoyment of the different modules that delve into the topics of Street Medicine and Humanitarian Medicine, areas in which Donk HM ODV specializes.
The training is divided into 4 separate courses:
Conflict mediation in health care
Speaker: Matteo Bonin
Using Teleconsultation with
Speaker: Mirko Montecchiani
Post Traumatic Disorders
Speaker: Luca Burigana
Cross-Border Care
Speaker: Francesco Zanuttin
With the contribution of the F.V.G. Region,
Article 8, paragraphs 31 to 33a, of R.L. 24/2019.