Cross-Border Care
with Francesco Zanuttin
5 hours
To adequately carry out a helping profession, it is necessary to establish an empathic relationship with the assisted person. The course is intended to help workers engaged in any capacity in migrant assistance to acquire a mindset that will enable him or her to welcome with curiosity, not suspicion, the wonderful world of “human biodiversity” with which he or she will come into contact. Topics such as the dynamics of inter-cultural relations, ethnocentrism, concepts of state and nation, cultural relativism and human rights will be addressed during the course. Migration also raises many ethical questions, and some reflections on this topic will be offered. A part of the course will be devoted to the analysis of migration phenomena, to understand what are the main drivers of migration push such as global warming and statal failure. The course closes with an illustration of some of the main health issues of migrants, with special reference to the Balkan route, and an analysis of some case studies.
Prerequisites: to work, in any capacity, in the social and health care field.
Speaker’s presentation
I studied biological sciences at the University of Trieste and earned a PhD in biochemistry at ICGEB, also in Trieste. After working as a biologist in research institutes and private companies, I graduated in Nursing in 2017. I delved into the ethical aspects of the health professions by attending the Postgraduate Course in Bioethics at the University of Padua. In the academic year ’22-’23 I taught Transcultural Nursing at the University of Trieste Nursing course. Currently I am involved in the health management of people with intellectual disabilities and unaccompanied minor migrants for 2001 Social Agency. Since 2022 I have been collaborating with the humanitarian medicine association DonK hm dealing with projects for Italy.